Space Clearing: Everyday Magic for Better Harmony
Space clearing is the simple task of bringing perfect harmony into our home. Everyday, we can bring unseen emotional clutter into our homes that can create a feeling of imbalance and stagnation. This can begin to produce a cluttered mind, lack of wellbeing, feeling out of sorts, and the inability to move forward in life. In Feng Shui, we see our home as our second body, so if the home is out of balance, this can create a lifeless feeling in your life.
Space clearing, also known as space blessing, is a powerful way to transmute the energy within a space. These rituals can range from very simple to quite complex, and various cultures have their unique practices. Today, we'll delve into two effective methods for space clearing: using scent and sound. Both are designed to transform your living environment, promoting personal growth and manifestation.
When I talk about "everyday magic," I’m referring to the idea of taking the ordinary elements of our daily lives and infusing them with ceremony, ritual, and intention. Our spaces are brimming with magic that's often right in front of us, and the seemingly mundane aspects of our lives are filled with profound meaning and beauty.
Scent has a unique ability to evoke emotions, memories, and physical responses. It can transport us to a place of calm, energize us, or even inspire creativity. When used intentionally in space clearing, scents can shift the energy of a room, dispelling negativity and inviting positive vibrations. Different scents carry different properties, making them powerful tools for creating the atmosphere you desire in your home.
Oranges and their scent invoke the yang qi of the sun, which will lift and brighten even the darkest of corners.
In feng shui, the scent of oranges is used to clear space and bring in vibrant energy. For this ritual, you'll need nine fresh oranges. In feng shui, nine is a number of completion and brings auspicious energy. You can use tangerines, mandarins, or any other type of orange citrus fruit.
Select Your Oranges: Choose your oranges with the intention of using them to clear your space and invite new, bright energy into your home. Ideally, perform this ritual between 11am and 1pm, the most yang time of the day.
Clean the Oranges: Wash each orange with fresh water, saltwater, or a non-toxic cleaner, doing so mindfully and with intention.
Prepare the Peels: Cut nine pieces of peel from each orange, totaling 81 pieces. Place the peels in a bowl and fill it with the purest water available.
Infuse with Sunlight: Let the bowl sit in the sunlight on a windowsill or outside for at least nine minutes. For a more potent effect, leave it for 24 hours to absorb the qi of both the sun and moon.
Create the Mist: Transfer the orange peel-infused water into a misting bottle.
Clear Your Space: Starting at the front door, walk around the perimeter of your home, misting and singing your favorite song or chanting a mantra. Visualize your home filling with bright sunlight, uplifting even the darkest corners and inviting fresh chi.
Sound is a powerful force that moves through space, vibrating through walls and objects, touching every corner and crevice. It's a tool that has been used for centuries in various cultures to clear, heal, and energize spaces. When we use sound with intention, we can shift stagnant energy, break up negative vibrations, and invite a sense of clarity and lightness into our homes
Ring a metal bell, wind chime, or singing bowl as you walk around your home. Start at the front door, hugging the wall on your left with the intention that you are calling in and inviting supportive chi into your home.
Sound is another effective method to clear and transmute energy. For this ritual, you'll need a metal bell, wind chime, gong, or singing bowl with a clear, resonant sound. If you don’t have any of these on hand, a metal cooking pot can also work beautifully. Their vibrant tones will help to stir and uplift the energy throughout your home.
Start at the Front Door: Ring the bell once, feeling and listening to the vibrations until they completely fade. Move to the center of the next room and repeat, continuing throughout your home.
Key Areas: Focus on your stove, bed, and desk. Ring the bell nine times over your stove, visualizing vibrations clearing a path for financial prosperity. Over your bed, ring the bell nine times to clear and transmute the energy of your most intimate space. At your desk, ring the bell nine times to clear a path for progress in your work life.
Complete the Ritual: Finish by ringing the bell once in the center of your entire home.
For a quicker refresh, stand in the center of your home and ring the bell nine times. Let each ring reverberate fully, visualizing the vibrations moving through you and your walls, transmuting the chi.
By incorporating these everyday magic rituals into your routine, you can transform your living space and invite significant shifts in personal well-being and perspective. Small changes in your home environment can lead to profound improvements in your life, empowering you to manifest your fullest potential.
Reflect on how these rituals make you feel and the changes you notice in your space. Your home is a reflection of your inner world, and as you nurture and clear its energy, you pave the way for your own growth and transformation.
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