🌕 Capricorn Full Moon Rituals 🌕

The Full Moon moves into Capricorn on July 4th at 12:49am ET, bringing an ambitious drive that can’t be ignored. The moon’s energy focuses on work and reputation, which is opposite the sun’s Cancerian energy of home and family, leading us to discover what we truly need to feel secure within our lives.  

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein. TThis Full Moon brings us the 3rd eclipse in 5 weeks, which casts a light on what we've kept hidden away and forces us to finally clean it up.  With Capricorn ruled by Saturn, and Saturn also moving back into Capricorn on July 1st, the universe is bringing us face to face with our past karma, so we may discover the root of those issues, and allowing us to understand, learn and heal from the past. Inspiring us to no longer build upon the faulty foundation, but rather, lay down new foundation for the decades to come.  

The full moon’s energy is powerful and intense, as the bright reflection of the sun’s solar energy upon the moon bounces cosmic energy upon the earth. At the full moon, matters come to a head, and awareness is heightened. The full moon brings clarity of vision. This is a perfect time for releasing something that no longer serves you; or an opportunity to let go of an aspect of yourself that you have outgrown. Harnessing the energy from Capricorn, this is an opportunity to rid chaos, old self-perception, attitude, and frame of mind. 

Ritual 1: 

With Capricorn ruling structure and discipline, we can draw from these energies to focus our goals and allow our ambitions to thrive. 

You will need a paper and pen to form two lists: 

On one side titled - “The Past”, write all the bad habits and daily routines that you believe are holding you back from achieving with your goals. 

On the other side titled, “The Now”, write in present tense your daily routine/habits, your day to day life as if currently experiencing it. As you make your thoughts seem tangible in the present tense, allows you to start believing it is your reality, which begins to transmute from your conscious to your subconscious mind, leading you to manifestation - the Law of Attraction. It is when we question it, that we halt our own manifestation.  

Ritual 2:

Capricorn rules our reputation and our concern for how other’s perceive us. We must learn to prioritize our view of ourselves, and ignore the outside voices that distract and damage our own perceptions. 

Mirror Work can be a great way to help uncover what you’ve tried so desperately to hide from yourself. Because the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself, and will make you become aware of the words you say and the things you do. This work will also make you conscious of where you are resisting and where you are open and flowing. It clearly shows you what thoughts you will need to change if you want to have a joyous, fulfilling life.

First begin by looking into the mirror and say aloud the negative, shameful thoughts you have of yourself. Allow your emotions and those feelings to come to the surface - cry, scream, whatever naturally comes up, as you continue to look straight into your eyes. When you are ready, begin to contradict those shameful thoughts by saying positive affirmations as you continue to look into the mirror. Feel into your body and see the feelings that arise, as you slowly say each word. It will seem strange at first, as you are changing your self-talk, and these new statements might not match how you view yourself. Continue to practice until you are able to look yourself in the mirror and believe the words you are saying are the true thoughts you hold for yourself. 

Closing Ritual: 

On this Full Moon, in the earth sign of Capricorn, opposite the Sun in the water sign Cancer. Their gift to us lies in the interplay of the elements. During these times, self care is crucial, as we must remember to be kind to ourselves. As you conclude the rituals, indulge in self care that allows yourself to embrace the elements of water and earth, and feel into the Cancer-Capricorn elements. For example, a luxurious bath filled with flowers and/or salts.   

Flowers for the Full Moon in Cancer:

Carnations are a seasonal favorite flower in winter with their longevity and strength, especially in resisting the cold weather. It’s for this reason, in the way they represent the hard nature of Capricorn. They always go the extra mile to strive and succeed and embody a level of focus like no other.

Other flowers: Geraniums, Pansies, Cylamen, and Babies Breath

Flowers for the Sun in Cancer: Carnations and Waterlilies


Influence Your Chi Through Color


🌑 Gemini New Moon 🌑